Dr. Weed Gaster 2.0 Release Trailer!

The day has finally come,

Dr. Weed Gaster 2.0 is ready to release!

The game is currently not out, but will be in a few hours.

Thank you for supporting the journey of Dr. Weed Gaster, whether it would be from the Game page or the Discord server.

You really put a smile on my face, my frown has been turned upside down.

There is however one question that most people asked me:

What's next for the future of Dr. Weed Gaster?

The answer is uncertain for now.

There will be no more Story mode chapters after 2.0.

If there will be a future update about the game, it would likely be about bug fixes/improvements on certain things.

As much as I love to continue developing for a bit more, I unfortunately have to conclude the major parts of the development because of my last years in high school.

I will sadly not be able to develop games during my school, which is a bit heartbreaking.

This update is dedicated to the players, who supported me throughout the development, thanks again.

I'll see you all after the release! ;)

Take care, and stay weedy.


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